Jorge Villegas

Software Developer

Solving Leetcode 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List

"Remove Nth Node From End of List" is a popular problem on the online platform Leetcode, which tests a programmer's ability to manipulate linked...

How to Supercharge Your Next.js SEO with Sitemaps

SEO is important for any website, but it’s even more critical for websites built with Next.js. If you’re not familiar with Next.js, it’s a...

JavaScript Functional Programming: Benefits & Best Practices

Functional programming is a style of software development that focuses on the use of functions to structure and optimize code. JavaScript has grown in...

Tips and tricks for debugging TypeScript code.

Tackling debugging in TypeScript can be intimidating. That's why it is important to comprehend the fundamentals of its syntax, but also to know how...

Exploring the Benefits of React useReducer for Your App

React's useReducer hook is an incredibly powerful tool for managing state in your React apps. It is especially useful when your app has multiple...


How to 10x Your LLM Prompting With DSPy

Tired of spending countless hours tweaking prompts for large...

Google Announces A Cost Effective Gemini Flash

At Google's I/O event, the company unveiled Gemini Flash,...

WordPress vs Strapi: Choosing the Right CMS for Your Needs

With the growing popularity of headless CMS solutions, developers...

JPA vs. JDBC: Comparing the two DB APIs

Introduction The eternal battle rages on between two warring database...

Meta Introduces V-JEPA

The V-JEPA model, proposed by Yann LeCun, is a...