Jorge Villegas

Software Developer

Introducing LLaVA: The Next Gen Visual Assistant

LLaVA is a revolutionary large language and vision assistant, making significant strides in the field of multimodal AI. This innovative model brings together the...

How to Use Llama 2 locally

Llama 2 has arrived! The highly anticipated update to Meta's language model is now available for local installation. We know many of you have...

Microsoft Autogen: Orchestrating and Automating LLM Workflows

In a world where large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly crucial, Microsoft researchers are introducing AutoGen, a framework that simplifies the orchestration, optimization,...

Google DeepMind’s Advances in General-Purpose Robotics Learning

In our increasingly interconnected world, robots excel as specialists but lag behind as generalists. To address this, Google DeepMind, in collaboration with 33 academic...

Mistral 7B: An Open-Source LLM Pushing the Frontiers of AI

The field of artificial intelligence has seen rapid advances in recent years, particularly in the domain of large language models (LLMs). These models, with...


How to 10x Your LLM Prompting With DSPy

Tired of spending countless hours tweaking prompts for large...

Google Announces A Cost Effective Gemini Flash

At Google's I/O event, the company unveiled Gemini Flash,...

WordPress vs Strapi: Choosing the Right CMS for Your Needs

With the growing popularity of headless CMS solutions, developers...

JPA vs. JDBC: Comparing the two DB APIs

Introduction The eternal battle rages on between two warring database...

Meta Introduces V-JEPA

The V-JEPA model, proposed by Yann LeCun, is a...