Google Releases Gemini now Powered in Bard

Move over, ChatGPT, there’s a new AI in town, and it’s packing serious heat. Google has officially released Gemini, its latest and most powerful language model, and it’s already powering the beloved Bard chatbot. This marks a significant turning point in the world of AI, with Gemini poised to revolutionize the way we interact with machines and unlock new possibilities for creativity, productivity, and understanding.

Imagine an AI that can effortlessly translate languages, write captivating stories, decode complex code, and answer your most burning questions with insightful accuracy. That’s the promise of Gemini, and it’s a promise that’s finally become reality. This isn’t just another incremental upgrade; it’s a quantum leap forward, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

So, buckle up and prepare for a thrilling ride as we explore the exciting world of Google’s Gemini and its transformative potential for the future. Get ready to discover how Bard, now fueled by this revolutionary technology, is poised to become the ultimate AI companion, empowering you to unlock your own creativity and achieve the seemingly impossible.

Exploring Gemini

What is Gemini?

Google Gemeni is an AI model developed by Google DeepMind. Gemini is designed for multimodality, allowing it to reason across text, images, video, audio, and code. It has been evaluated on various tasks and has surpassed the performance of previous state-of-the-art models. It is described as the most capable and largest model for highly complex tasks, with the ability to generate code, combine text and images, and reason visually across languages. It is also available in three sizes: Ultra, Pro, and Nano, each suited for different types of tasks. The search result provides a visual and descriptive representation of Gemini’s functionality and invites users to explore its prompting techniques and capabilities further.

Key features and models

  1. Multimodality: Gemini is built from the ground up for multimodality, allowing it to reason seamlessly across text, images, video, audio, and code.
  2. Performance: Gemini has surpassed the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on all multimodal tasks, making it one of the most capable AI models available.
  3. Capability Benchmark: Gemini has been evaluated on various benchmarks, including general language understanding, reasoning, reading comprehension, commonsense reasoning, math, code generation, and natural language understanding, among others.
  4. Multimodal Capabilities: Gemini’s multimodal capabilities include representation of questions in various subjects, diverse set of challenging tasks requiring multi-step reasoning, reading comprehension, commonsense reasoning for everyday tasks, math problems, code generation, and natural language understanding, among others.
  5. Different Sizes: Gemini comes in three sizes – Ultra, Pro, and Nano, each catering to different use cases. The Ultra model is the most capable and largest model for highly complex tasks, the Pro model is best for scaling across a wide range of tasks, and the Nano model is the most efficient for on-device tasks.
  6. Native Multimodality: Gemini is natively multimodal, which means it has the potential to transform any type of input into any type of output, making it a versatile and powerful AI model.

Gemini is a highly advanced AI model with unmatched multimodal capabilities, performance, and versatility, making it a significant advancement in the field of artificial intelligence.

Different Sizes

UltraOur most capable and largest model for highly-complex tasks.
ProOur best model for scaling across a wide range of tasks.
NanoOur most efficient model for on-device tasks.

Ultra: The most powerful and sophisticated model, designed for highly complex tasks. It serves as the benchmark for our other models and pushes the boundaries of AI performance. As far as we know there is still no official release date yet.

Pro: This versatile model excels at scaling across a broad spectrum of tasks, making it the backbone of Bard. It delivers a powerful AI experience for Bard users today.

Nano: A smaller model that is optimized for mobile use.

Gemini in Action


Google’s new Gemini AI releases benchmarks The big deal is that it appears to be the first model to beat GPT-4. The fascinating thing is that it does it by just a tiny bit. It is now integrated into Bard now but I haven’t seen an immediate difference. More when I can test it


For testing I asked Bard a relatively recent Leetcode question, this way we can avoid it being in the training data. I asked it Leetcode question 2859, Sum of Values at Indices With K Set Bits.

Here is the solution it gave me, albeit it was an easy question

Final Thoughts

Google’s release of Bard powered by the conversational AI model Gemini shows their continued commitment to pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence technology. While there are still open questions around when the more advanced Gemini Ultra could be available and whether it will be free to use, Bard already demonstrates impressive language capabilities.

The launch comes at an interesting time as Google aims to regain some of its reputation as an AI leader after open source libraries like PyTorch, Llama, XGBoost have challenged the dominance of Google’s TensorFlow and Keras. With companies like Anthropic, Meta, and OpenAI also showcasing powerful new AI models recently, the competition in the space keeps heating up.

Ultimately, this increased competition should drive more innovation which is a win for consumers. Google is betting that Bard and the underlying Gemini framework will allow them to deliver more helpful, safe, and grounded AI applications compared to alternatives. While only time will tell if Bard becomes a breakthrough in AI, Google’s willingness to keep pushing boundaries even in a crowded field shows their ambition has not slowed. If Bard lives up to its promise, this launch could mark Google’s comeback as the pacesetter in AI.


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